Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Reflection Session 5

Reflection Session 5
The session this week showed an increased ability across the board in the use of the software – app smashing. Minecraft, ishowu, crazytalk, (also hardware tricapture and microphone using screen captures) also creating naming and saving files.
Then students were able to capture images in world and export them to the desk top. They then all renamed the shot and saved it to the appropriate file on the server.

Using this image they then imported it to crazy talk and used it to record their lines and animate the photo. They also all exported the video create and saved it to the server file.

Work Plan Session 4

Session 4
Software for the session Minecraft, ishowU, Crazy Talk, final cut pro
Goal - Talk scene moving scene talking scene moving scene
Creating story board of the film based on the story written in class.
Draw scenes from the film that tell the main event in the story/script the team has developed.
Use Photo booth software to photograph each scene.
Drop the photo into Comic Life software and annotate.
This will become an electronic story board.
Team meeting
Goal set
Role assignment and clarification

Work Plan Session 5

Session 5
In a team meeting the teams will discuss the process to record the speaking parts for each character of their film. They will need to divide the lines and rehearse their lines.
8 mins
Teams must decide on the order they will record their parts. Each character will use Crazy Talk to animate their Minecraft avatar to speak their parts. They will record all their lines of dialogue one after the other. For each line that is recorded the students must give it a name and export it to the desktop. The students can edit them into correct script order in Final Cut Pro later.
In World
Students can work in groups, pairs and singles to film specific lines of script in their films.
Each team member is to log into Minecraft and take a screen shot of their avatar in the right setting or the required scene.
Command shift 3 is the function short cut to screen capture.
They can begin with scenes including with dialogue using Crazy talk software as the tool to bring the animation to life.
Begin filming speaking scenes for the movie.

If students complete the speaking scenes.  - into session 6.
Editing the filmed scenes
Final Cut Pro
To begin todays new film project the teams will need to:
 Open final cut pro
File new event, file new project.

Each team member will record all the lines for their speaking scenes. They will export them to the desktop from the Crazy Talk software. Each scene must be appropriately labelled e.g. Niko scene 1 line 1. Import all speaking scenes and last week’s action scene to the timeline in Final Cut Pro. Ready for editing

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Work Plan Session 3

Session 3
Activity software skill building
This session will focus on filming short action scenes and following directions, I show u software to create a short film including actions designed by the students.
Locating the team in Minecraft
Utilising the setting markers in world to allow team to find their location next time they log in. This can be done through the teacher log in. Gene/Chrisi
Moving in the same space in the Minecraft world
“Acting” in Minecraft Chrisi and Gene to show how two avatars can be in one scene moving together. To look like they are acting.
IshowU – Gene to demonstrate
 5 mins
Teams must negotiate the roles of camera person, director and actors.
Work out a set of movements or action you “actors” can complete in Minecraft that will be filmed by the camera person. The actions can be directed by all team or a nominated director.
10 mins
In World
Locate the team mates
Have the camera person in a position where they can see all the actors in their team.
 10 mins
They will use ishowU to film the action.
Import the film to final cut pro and then to student server file.

30 mins

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Work Plan Session 2

Session 2
Using multiple software to create one end product or publication
Students log into Minecraft and find a place to stand in a position; another avatar takes the photo of the partner. Save image and export the
•             Minecraft
•             Command shift 3 to Screen Capture their Minecraft Avatar
•             Crazy Talk
Prepare an introductory statement that will be voice over for your Minecraft avatar.
Work on a brief dialogue for 2 people 
Record on white board
Rehearse and record

In World
Log in to Minecraft
Photograph a partner’s avatar
Save the image to desktop
Import the image into Crazy Talk – setting the facial markers
Voice – script a brief of introduction
 Export movie
Video – name the file allow it to export.
Save it to the class Minecraft file on student server. Save the movie file to appropriate folder on the server.
Open Final cut pro
Create a new event then a new project.

Drag and drop these crazy talk files from the server to the desktop and then import them into Final cut pro.  Have a go at some scene editing. (Play/practise)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Reflection Session 1 Block 3

What an amazing start to this lat block of Minecraft sessions.
The enthusiasm engagement is high, the students are skilled and ready to begin.
Having seen the last 2 groups films and their production the students are really keen to make even more exciting and fine tuned films.

Now that these student have participated in 2 other Doveton Live programs we can see that they are transferring software skills they picked up using other apps and are applying these new software we use in our sessions.

We are spending the first few sessions skilling them in the software use and they are already developing some great story board s and and script outline sin their classrooms.
the inquiry topic focusing on design and create has lent it self to a problem solution style script. The student are looking at environmental problems inventions and how we as humans can design and create solutions for our greater good.
We cant wait to get these movies started.
Teams interpersonal development
the first team role allocation took place today and they all set appropriate goals and worked towards them in the set time frames. Each team member their set goal and were really supportive of each other.
An extremely positive start to the term.

Work plan Session 1 block 3

We begin again!
New students, new ideas, new build, new movies!
In block 3 the student focus of inquiry is on Design and Create.
The student will begin to develop scripts that reflect their understanding ans research. 
Recycle, reuse, design and create solutions to problems.

Survivor in Minecraft
Design and Create
Narrative, problem and solution

Work program - MinecraftEdu - Doveton College
Year 4-6
Term 4 2014
Session 1
Discuss the Minecraft films created by students in the previous block.
Story board with annotations. Photo of these…
Screen for the children on the TV
Discuss the structures in film.
Touch on each of the software used to create the film.
Discuss the use of multiple pieces of software combined to create on end product.
In World
Get in world and have a go!
Moving the avatar - keys and functions
Build and deconstruct
Teachers to group the students (trial for film crews)
Each team is tasked with building structures in world
·         Design – draw a design of what your team plans to build, rough sketch to prototype.
·         Role allocation
o   Divide the building tasks across the members of the team
o   Each member of the team will be responsible and accountable for a specific part of the build.
·         Teams must have 4 defined roes and each person in the team should be able to relay what their role is and what they are responsible for.
In world
Begin to build the structures you have designed.  Use as many of the construction materials available to you as possible while keeping a consistent look to your design.
View all the structures.

Show Minecraft films that have been made and uploaded to YouTube.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

No half "arsed" job.

Today the students were given two hours to build all the sets for their film in the Minecraft World.

One little ten year old girl told me, "she was working hard cause she didn't want to do a half arsed job."

Not much to say after that. She hit the nail on the head.

Amazing Minecraft Disaster Films

Today students used iShowu as a screen capture devise to film the scenes for their disaster films.

There was an amazing amount of creativity shown by the students to get their various disasters to work.  We had sink holes, earthquakes, floods, fires and volcanoes all going on at once.  Little Minecrafts were filmed escaping the disasters on the backs of horses and pigs. Scenes of crumbling empires were captured in their dying moments.

The students worked well in their teams organizing the action to take place in front of the camera/video capture computer.

There was a great intensity to the students work ethic.  It had to be completed by the end of the two  hours because we start editing next week.  There is also the looming film festivals where the all important Doscar Awards will take place.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Students took screen shots of their characters in Minecraft.  They then used CrazyTalk and the voice recordings made in Audacity to create the animated faces for the films.

Then as the most AMAZING THING THAT HAPPENED IN THE WORLD the students got to go into Minecraft for 30 minutes to build their sets for the disaster films.

It was like every important holiday and birthday all happened on the one day and there was happiness  in the world.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

And Then It all Went Wrong

Wonderful news.  We came back to school after the holidays and found that the Lab had been re imaged.  That should straighten the bugs out.

Minecraft server wouldn't talk to the client.

A quick revamp of the day and all three Minecraft classes used Audacity to record the script for the films as we frantically worked out what was wrong.

Mark solved it but we still had to reset the ip in the client.  As result the students didn't actually get into Minecraft but they all seemed happy.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Work Plan Session 5

Session 5

Skill focus

Mini films Editing action and speaking scenes – skill building

Using Final Cut Pro

Using the 4 scenes created last session the teams will edit the scenes into the sequences as outlined on their story board. As stored on comic life (last session)

 The team need to ensure they have the 4 scenes exported and saved

Action scenes need to be exported from ishowU into final cut pro.

Crazy talk dialogue scenes need to be imported to final cut pro from the server. (The children should have been exported from crazy talk to desktop named appropriately and then saved to class folder on the server.)

As part of this process the students need to edit all scenes, and adjust the volume of the dialogue. Cut out dead air etc.

Share your mini movie

Groups move clock wise around the lab to view the mini movie of another team

Watch the mini movie as a group and review critique

On white board desk write 2 positives and 1 thing they can improve on.

When team return to their desk they are to make any changes to their films to improve where they can.

Watch their own films.

Reflection session 4

Reflection Session 4
The teams need a little help today to get the delegation arranged and allocate tasks with thin their team.
We found by giving time limits and deadlines  they worked better with this limited time frame.

Once goals were set and they all know what they were responsible for off they went.

We reminded them also that the first port of call for assistance was with in their own teams. all team members bring expertise that they can share with each other.

On task
The teams divided and worked on their own components.
It was nice to see that they often asked the members of the action scenes to listen to the dialogue and asked dialogue teams to watch the action. They took on board the opinions and made changes if they were suggested. We had a few examples of smaller teams with member working in both parts. Multitasking at its best.

Work Plan Session 4

Session 4

Software for the session Minecraft, ishowU, Crazy Talk, final cut pro

Goal - Talk scene - moving scene  -talking scene  - moving scene


Creating story board of the film based on the story written in class.

Draw scenes from the film that tell the main event in the story/script the team has developed.


Use Photo booth software to photograph each scene.

Drop the photo into Comic Life software and annotate with descriptions and basic dialogue.

This will become an electronic story board. The story board will be used to keep the team focused and to ensure the film is edited into the correct sequence.


Team meeting 3 minutes
Who will be responsible for the action sequences using ishowU?
Who will be responsible for the dialogue scenes in Crazy Talk?

Goal set for the session and delegate responsibilities.

Role assignment and clarification
In World
Begin. Export as they are completed.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Minecraft with the new team

Our new team understand from the first day that they are not here to play Minecraft for two hours.  They are here to make a film.  This has also help with a greater understanding in the College that students don't spend 14 weeks times 2 hours  "playing" Minecraft.

We are making Machinima.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Work Plan Session 3

Session 3

In world

Part 1 Teams locate a build site and begin working on a building with their team.

In world challenge

Part 2 Tallest Tower

Each team member must choose a different brick colour

Build a 10x10 tower each working on a wall. Tower must go up at an equal rate. You can change your colour brock you help a team mate to catch up. Goal is to build the tallest tower in 8 minutes. Each wall must be of equal height. You must use team work strategies to build it.

Activity software skill building

This session will focus on filming short scenes and editing them in Final cut pro software to create a short film including dialogue written by the students.


Locating the team in Minecraft

Utilising the setting markers in world to allow team to find their location next time they log in. This can be done through the teacher log in. Gene/Chrisi


Moving in the same space in the Minecraft world

“Acting” in Minecraft Chrisi and Gene to show how two avatars can be in one scene moving together. To look like they are acting.


IshowU – Gene to demonstrate

 5 mins

Teams must negotiate the roles of camera person, director and actors.

Work out a set of movements or action you “actors” can complete in Minecraft that will be filmed by the camera person. The actions can be directed by all team or a nominated director.

10 mins

In World

Locate the team mates

Have the camera person in a position where they can see all the actors in their team.

 10 mins

They will use ishowU to film the action.

Import the film to final cut pro and then to student server file.

30 mins

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Work plan Session 2

Session 2

Using multiple software to create one end product or publication

Students log into Minecraft and find a place to stand in a position; another avatar takes the photo of the partner. Save image and export the


             Command shift 3 to Screen Capture their Minecraft Avatar

             Crazy Talk

Prepare an introductory statement that will be voice over for your Minecraft avatar.

In World


Log in to Minecraft

Photograph a partner’s avatar

Save the image to desktop

Import the image into Crazy Talk – setting the facial markers

Voice – script a brief of introduction


 Export movie

Video – name the file allow it to export.

Save it to the class Minecraft file on student server. Save the movie file to appropriate folder on the server.

Open Final cut pro

Create an new event then a new project.

Drag and drop these crazy talk files from the server to the desktop and then import them into Final cut pro.  Have ago at some scene editing. (Play/practise)


In world

Part 1 Teams locate their build site and keep working on the Castle they started to build last week.

This session will focus on filming short scenes and editing them in Final cut pro software to create a short film including dialogue written by the students.



Divide the team into pairs.

Basic script of greeting - 2 characters, how might they sound? Make it a little fun!


Person 1

Person 2

Person 1

Person 2


2 still shots one of each character. Screen capture “Command Shift 3”

Crazy talk software

Each person creates 2 crazy talk shots recording their part of the script.

Export the crazy talk films to the desk top and then save to the student server Minecraft 46 folder.

The pair will then work at one computer, retrieving the saved Crazy Talk films from the folder.

How to create a folder in final cut pro

They will drop the movie files into Final Cut Pro software edit and screen. Save to folder to view on large screen.

Export from Final cut pro to desk top and then to folder on server.

Work plan session 1 Wild and Wicked World of Minecraft

Our new teams are exploring the
Wild and Wicked World of Minecraft

– Extreme weather and natural disasters

Work program - MinecraftEdu - Doveton College

Year 4-6

Term 2 and 3 2014

Session 1


Minecraft film created by students in the previous block.

Story board with annotations. Photo of these…

Screen for the children on the TV

Discuss the structures with the film.

Touch on each of the software used to create the film.

Discuss the use of multiple pieces of software combined to create on end product.

In World

Get in world and have a go!

Moving the avatar - keys and functions

Build and deconstruct


Teachers to group the students (trial for film crews)

Each team is tasked with building structures in world

·         Design – draw a design of what your team plans to build, rough sketch to prototype.

·         Role allocation

o   Divide the building tasks across the members of the team

o   Each member of the team will be responsible and accountable for a specific part of the build.

·         Teams must have 4 defined roes and each person in the team should be able to relay what their role is and what they are responsible for.

In world

Begin to build the structures you have designed.  Use as many of the construction materials available to you as possible while keeping a consistent look to your design.

View all the structures.


Show Minecraft films that have been made and uploaded to YouTube.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Session 12 and Film Festival

Session 12

Each learning team will partipate for 1 hour.

The focus will be editing and reviewing the films. The teams are to watch the films they have created. Final touches edit sound effects and music.

 Gene and Chrisi will watch the films too.

Gene will assist the students exporting their films to the mac student server.

The films will be stored and ready to be screened at the First Doveton Live Film festival.



Doveton Live Film Festival

Tuesday 3 June 2014. Venue: Doveton Live Theatre

 Screen all films and animations created in this round of the DL programs in 456.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Session 11 Refelction


As we near the first finish line….

How rewarding to see all of the groups achieving the outcomes and requirements of the project. The students can see their work coming together and were thrilled to share the rough edits and music pieces they have created with peers from other film making teams. There was a great deal of positive feedback and each group received some constructive criticism, which they then applied to improve their work.

We had one group who loved the music from another film, they then recruited one of their music creators to their team for a short period to assist them with their music. Wonderful collaboration and a great example of the kids identifying the skills they need and tapping into them. They use their class mates as experts in their fields!

Next week see us moving into the addition of sound effects. I cannot wait J

 Quote of the day….

I can’t believe my story is now a film. It is amazing!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Reflection sessions 9 and 10

Reflection sessions 9 and 10

We are on the final stretch of our film making journey. What a ride!

 Enthusiasm levels and work output have increased and the students themselves are bubbling with excitement at the prospect of seeing the final products. What began as an idea and a piece of writing they developed in their classroom has begun to take shape as a movie.

The students have expressed pride in their efforts and are keen to share each new creation, music, sound and editing of their footage. It has been highly rewarding to observe how the multi age, multi skilled groups have come together, working as highly effective and cooperative teams. The atmosphere of sharing skills and knowledge, seeing the students seek help from peers while also being willing to share their ideas and techniques has been a reward of its own.

Teams have been able to divide the work load with a considered approach. They identify the skills of their members and assign roles accordingly. Where skills are not developed they seek assistance and up skill themselves to be able to complete tasks. They seek advice from staff but most often from their class mates across the teams. It is kids teaching kids in its best form!

Crafting a Minecraft Film

Students are now on the way to finishing their Fairy tales. All the clips have been placed in final cut pro.  Each clip has been "transformed" to remove the screen capture which reveals the game play tool bar.

Some members of the team are creating music using GarageBand, others are working on the credits, and some are "cutting out the boring bits" often referred to as editing.

Quote "when I watched movie or TV I thought making stuff would be really easy but now I am making one I realise that it is really hard.

We are now in the final push which will include sound effects and a basic mix.

Chrisi is organising The Minecraft Film Festival Premier in our theatre.

Photos from the red carpet will follow.

Session 10 plan

Session 10

Film editing

Use all the footage filmed, in all software or stored in the server. Import it to the Final Cut Pro software to your film project.


Divide the group into 2.  Editing team and Music/Sound team



1.       Editing team

Final Cut Pro

Half the team will edit the footage and work on the flow of the film.

Titles – they will need to add titles and credits to the film.

Consider sound effects that the film may need or that will support the action or plot.

2.       Music/sound team

Garage Band

Half team will begin sound and music creation

Using garage band they will lay loops that tell the story of the movie plot or express the emotions of the characters I the movie at given points

 They will also need to create music for the title and music for the credits.

Sound can relay feelings and emotions. The music and sound you create and choose will give a greater more enjoyable experience to your audience and can help relay the feelings you are trying to portray and support your story line.

Export the music from garage band and load it to the server file, listen to it on the speakers.

Share music and sound with class.

Session 9 plan

Term 2

Session 9


Gene – review (refresh after term break!)

How to locate your project in Final Cut Pro

How to import your saved files (crazy talk scenes) from server to Final Cut Pro

Using ishowU to film action sequences in Minecraft

 Importing this ishowU media into Final Cut Pro

Filming in world today (ishowU)

Action scene in MinecraftEdu to accompany the dialogue scenes in the film.

Shot styles/types

Pan, tilt

Birdseye view

Steady camera. Don’t rush!

In a group meeting plan 3 to 5 actions scenes that are pivotal to the story line of the film.

 Which characters will be acting in these scenes and what will they be required to do?

 What actions are required?

 Who will the camera person be for the shots and what camera angel will work best?

In World

Log into MinecraftEdu

Move to the location the team has decided on for the action scene sequence

Camera person is the director of the scene

 Rehearse the action and decide on the camera position

Rehearses a few times

Using ishowU film the action scene

 View and repeat if necessary

 Film all the required scenes

Import these scene from ishowU to final cut pro



Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Minecraft Camera Action!

We are moving making!
The Fabulous Fairy Tales and Fables of Minecraft
Recording character voices using Crazytalk.

Teams delegate tasks.
 2 members are recording lines and 2 are building movie sets in Minecraft.

Recording lines of the movie using their written scripts.
Editing the speaking parts into a sequence using Final Cut Pro.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Plan Sessions 6 7 & 8

Session 6 7 8
Voice recording, filming of The Fabulous Fairy Tales and Fables of Minecraft
In a team meeting the teams will discuss and plan the process to record the speaking parts for each character of their film. They will need to divide the lines and rehearse their lines.
8 mins
Teams must decide on the order they will record their parts. Each character will use Crazytalk to animate their Mineraft avatar to speak their parts. They will record all their lines of dialogue one after the other. For each line that is recorded the students must give it a name and export it to the desktop. The students can  later edit them into correct script order in Final Cut Pro.
In World
Students work in groups, pairs and singles to film specific scene of their films.
Each team member is to log into Minecraft and take a screen shot of their avatar character in the right setting or the required scene.
Command shift 3 is the function short cut to screen capture.
They are to begin with scenes including dialogue, use the Crazytalk software as the tool to bring the animation to life.
Begin filming speaking scenes for the movie
Each team member will record all the lines for their speaking scenes. They will export them to the desktop from the Crazytalk software. Each scene must be appropriately labelled eg Niko scene 1 line 1. Import all speaking scenes and last weeks action scene to the timeline in Final Cut Pro Ready for editing

Editing the filmed scenes
Final Cut Pro
To begin todays new film project the teams will need to:
Open Final Cut Pro
File new event, file new project.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Session 5 plan The Fabulous Fairytales and Fables of Minecraft

Session 5


Creating story board of the film based on the story written in their home group class.
Draw scenes from the film that tell the main event in the story/script the team has developed.
 the sory board can have as much detail as the team requires to enalbe them to construct the sets in minecraft.


Use Photobooth software to photograph each scene.
Drop the photo into Comic Life software and annotate.
annotations must include, scene number, setting, characters emotions or short phrases of dialogue.
This will become an electronic story board that can be refered to duirng the set building an filming phase.
Save these files as both a document and a PDF file and save to the sever.

Team meeting
In this time the teams need to allocate roles to each member. They are to work together to construct the set that will be used in the first scene of theiir film. (As per the story board)
Goal set
Building Role assignment and clarification

In World
Student willl spawn or be teleported to the location station for their class. They are to find their team mates and move to a suitable location not to far from their location station.
Begin building their first set.

Minecraft Script Grade 4-6

Script written for Minecraft Film created by four students

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

App Smashing

App smashing with Minecraft is an amazing experience. Over a two hour period we take the students on a high speed journey of using a wide variety of apps to create an outcome.  While the initial outcome is not important the general idea is to allow students to see how different app can integrate with each other and open the students minds to other possibilities.

Currently the students have learnt to screen capture still shots of Minecraft, moving pictures using iShow you. Manipulate the images using Paintbrush, Crazytalk, recording their own voices, editing in Final Cut Pro X, exporting outcomes to iTunes, viewing the outcome in Quicktime and how to save and label the file onto our storage server.

Students are now beginning to see the possibilites and how the fairytale or fable can come to life on the screen.

I will post some of the first rough prototypes in the next few days.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Session 4 Planning

Session 4

Check on the progress of the pieces of writing that each tea is developing i their classrooms. Give them the goal of having a story board prepared for the session next week.
Discuss App Smashing
We do it every day. Today we will be using, minecraft, ishowu, final cut pro, itunes.

Focus for teams:
Moving in the same space in the Minecraft World, coordinating the movements for in a preplanned way.

“Acting” in Minecraft. Chrisi and Gene to show how two avatars can be in one scene moving together, to look like they are acting.


iShowu – Gene to demonstrate the use of ishowu to film live action i minecraft.

 5 mins

Teams must negotiate the roles of camera person, director and actors.

Work out a set of movements or action the “actors” can complete in Minecraft that will be filmed by the camera person. The actions can be directed by all team or a nominated director.
Run through an on screen rehearsal. Camera person can give cues. (practise)

10 mins

In World

Locate the team mates

Have the camera person in a position where they can see all the actors in their team.
Use words, action and cut to give actors their cues.

 10 mins

They will use ishowu to film the action.

Import the film to final cut pro and then share to itunes drag to desk top then save to class file on the macstudent server.

30 mins

Sunday, February 16, 2014

A new year and a new Minecraft day.

Students in 4-6 are doing a new project with a literacy base linked to Minecraft this year.  The idea is to transition  students into the Virtual World for Year 7-9.

Students are required over a fourteen week period to take a fable, re write it and create a script for a film.  This work is done back in their home groups as part of their literacy learning.

During the student's Minecraft time they are expected to build sets, capture screen shots to use in Crazytalk for animating voices and pictures and capture movement using ishowu, the final films will be edited in Final Cut Pro.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Session 2 grades 456 Minecraft skills

Skilling our Minecrafters in software use in prepartation for film making in weeks to come.

Session 2

Using multiple software to create one end product or publication

Students log into Minecraft and find a place to stand in a position; another avatar takes the photo of the partner. Save image and export the


             Command shift 3 to Screen Capture their Minecraft Avatar


Prepare an introductory statement that will be voice over for your Minecraft avatar.

In World


Log in to Minecraft

Photograph a partner’s avatar

Save the image to desktop

Import the image into CrazyTalk – setting the facial markers

Voice – script a brief of introduction


 Export movie

Video – name the file allow it to export.

Save it to the class Minecraft file on student server. Save the movie file to 46F, 46 I 46 G folder



View each other’s avatar introduction on the large screen

 In world

Part 1 Teams  locate their build site and keep working o the Castle they started to build last week.

In world challenge

Part 2 Tallest tower

Each team member must choose a different brick colour

Build a 10x10 tower each working on a wall. Tower must go up at an equal rate. You can change your colour brock you help a team mate to catch up. Goal is to build the tallest tower in 8 minutes.

Session 1 The Fabulous, Fairy tales and Fables of Minecraft

A new year and a new project.
Hello. We are back on deck!!
Our focus is to give our students and colleagues a new epxerience and an altenate option for the published piece, product or outcome in a unit of work.
We want them to use many types of software and combine them into one end product. Our starting point is the writing component which begins in the classroom. The focus on literacy and immersion in the narrative text type, this will evolve into script writng using the known text of fables and fairytales. This is the basis of student writing. We will be using minecraft as the medium to visually express ideas and form the basis or set for a film.
The Fabulous, Fairy tales and Fables of Minecraft

Work program - MinecraftEdu - Doveton College

Year 4-6

Term 1 2014

Session 1


Minecraft fairy-tale film created Gene.

Story board with annotations. Photo of these…

Screen for the children on the TV

Discuss the structures with the film.

Touch on each of the software used to create the film.

Discuss the use of multiple pieces of software combined to create on end product.

In World

Get in world and have a go!

Moving the avatar - keys and functions

Build and deconstruct


Teachers to group the students (trial for film crews)

Each team is tasked with building a castle in world

·         Design – draw a design of what your team plans to build, rough sketch to prototype.

·         Role allocation

o   Divide the building tasks across the members of the team

o   Each member of the team will be responsible and accountable for a specific part of the build.

·         Teams must have 4 defined roles and each person in the team should be able to relay what their role is and what they are responsible for.

In world

Begin to build the castle you have designed.  Use as many of the construction materials available to you as possible while keeping a consistent look to your design.

View all the structures.