Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Session 5 plan The Fabulous Fairytales and Fables of Minecraft

Session 5


Creating story board of the film based on the story written in their home group class.
Draw scenes from the film that tell the main event in the story/script the team has developed.
 the sory board can have as much detail as the team requires to enalbe them to construct the sets in minecraft.


Use Photobooth software to photograph each scene.
Drop the photo into Comic Life software and annotate.
annotations must include, scene number, setting, characters emotions or short phrases of dialogue.
This will become an electronic story board that can be refered to duirng the set building an filming phase.
Save these files as both a document and a PDF file and save to the sever.

Team meeting
In this time the teams need to allocate roles to each member. They are to work together to construct the set that will be used in the first scene of theiir film. (As per the story board)
Goal set
Building Role assignment and clarification

In World
Student willl spawn or be teleported to the location station for their class. They are to find their team mates and move to a suitable location not to far from their location station.
Begin building their first set.

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