Monday, December 2, 2013

The Fabulous, Fairy tales and Fables of Minecraft 2014 Project

The big question was, "Where to from here?"
We have trained a 40 Minecraft experts from across the 2013 year 5 cohort. These students will be our in class tutors, teacher support team and peer instructors for use of the Minecraft software in the next project for 2014. (We call this method to the madness!!)
Our goals
  • Inspire and engage our students
  • Use Minecraft as a tool for teaching core curriculum
  • Introduce and involve the teaching staff
Next year we plan a project with the year 456 teams. The course will run for 14 weeks. x 3
The project is one based on literacy.
We want to tap into a known subject base for our colleagues, literacy development, and use this to introduce them to using multiple pieces of software to "publish" student work. We want them to see, understand, and use new software across the curriculum.
  1. The students will work on understanding the text structures of traditional fairy tales and fables. They will also be developing skills in the use of the Minecraft software. They will then use these known text structures and characters to develop an innovation on a text, adapting it to Minecraft characterisations. 
  2. Create a story board.
  3. From the story board they will develop a script for a movie based on the traditional tale they have given a Minecraft twist.
  4. Build sets in Minecraft for their movie
  5. Filming
  6. Voice over
  7. Screening
Below is a week by week outline of the proposed project process. (Still to be tweaked a little)
I have also attached some storyboard work samples. Enjoy! 

Year 4-6

The Fabulous, Fairy tales and Fables of Minecraft

Innovation on Traditional Text structures using Minecraft as a storytelling tool through film.

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Home Group
Students develop traditional tales. Then in mixed ability teams they develop their traditional tale structure into a Minecraft script.
·         Plot structure
·         Good versus evil
·         Good wins
·         Familiar characters
·         Story board
·         Basic script
Finalise a Script
Characters used must be Minecraft specific.
Virtual World
Software applications
Using software
·         Minecraft
·         Paintbrush
·         Word
·         i show u
·         Final Cut Pro
·         Garage band
·         CrazyTalk
·         Set building using Minecraft
·         Filming
·         Saving files
·         Storing files
Voice over
Movie production
1 minute minimum
Movie screening in the theatre.
Virtual World
Skills and understandings
·         Function and use of individual software combining multiple software to create single product.
·         How can a known traditional story or tale be given a modern twist.
·         Taking an idea and making a movie.
·         Story boards and planning the shoot
·         Set creation
·         Filming – shots types
·         Music and how it supports mood and feeling in film
·         Adaptability. To look at the computer as the tool to be curious and creative in problem solving.
·         Using the computer a tool for expressing ideas.
-Capture footage in real time.
-Designing in a 3D environment.
-Team Work.
-Editing vision.
-Recording Sound.
-Creating Music.
-Editing Sound Effects.
-Adding effects to the film.
-Colourising film.
-Exporting finished film.
 -Project in multiple formats.
-Creating titles.
-Creating Credit Role.
-Behaving as an audience.
-Publishing work publicly.
-Rubric exploring process.

Story board samples
(Thanks to my children Deanna and Niko, for yet again trialing something for us at home!!)

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