Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Peer Teaching to the Rescue!

During the last two classes we have had the pleasure of a student come into the Minecraft class to help and to peer teach.  Though we knew that he was experienced in minecraft(who under the age of 14 isn't these days) we were pleasantly surprised by not only by his depth of knowledge but also his maturity  and ability to explain and demonstrate concepts and then re explain for those students who "didnt get it".  What we were absolutely blown away by was his enthusiasm for "things to prepare for next week" which in old school speak is also called "homework". Each week we write in his diary what we would like him to demonstrate for next week based on the direction of the class student questions and each week he had presented clearly and preciselt and has even spent time preparing working models to use in his demonstration(as you will see in the video attached)

What completely floored us was that students are now asking why THEY cant have homework too!

Here is a short video of our student in action.

1 comment:

  1. This is good man, i realy like this article that you have been posted about link and it is soo good , thank you !
