Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Plan for Week 7 Session 4

Week 7

Session 4

Out Of World

Session focus is to a generate lists of words that are specific to Minecraft.

In small groups generate lists of words or terms that are specific to Minecraft. Write them under each of the headings (below).

Long term goal - These lists will form the basis of the Minecraft dictionary (student created). In the following weeks the out of world sessions will focus on its creation.


In teams of 3-4, each team will begin with a chart that has one of the headings below written on the top. In 1 minute intervals the teams will be asked to write as many words related to the heading (and Minecraft) as they can. At the end of the minute, the charts will be rotated through the groups. In the next minute they are to add many words as they can to the next chart. Repeat until all teams have written on each chart.

Collect charts, words generated will form basis for next session.

Building a Glossary of  Minecraft Vocabulary

·         Terminology linked with Minecraft eg griefing

·         Moving

·         Building

·         Technology of Redstone

·         Terms for survival

·         Terms for adventure mode

In World

Start Minecraft project

Start designing the adventure playground for the grade three students that will become part of the project in the next term.

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