Hey everyone,
It's "The Tech
Guy" here, and today I'm kicking off Article 1 of my technical series for
the work done on our Minecraft setup, with the aim to help and inspire other
technical minds, regarding how Minecraft can be setup and utilized in a school.
Setting up Minecraft
in most instances is a majorly basic task if you have no desire to modify the
game or its parameters in anyway. However should you wish to modify the game
and the settings it runs from, the setup can get a little more complicated, and
in turn you will require better hardware the crazier you wish to get. This
process is then considerably more difficult when running the server inside of a
school, and yet another tier of difficulty is involved if running the server
inside a school, and wishing to communicate with the outside world.
So far we have our
server running internally only, but we plan to soon extended our capabilities
to being able to run the program amongst other institutions across Victoria and
New South Wales.
Running Minecraft
with verified Minecraft accounts inside State schools can be a little tricky,
as all student traffic is filtered, and Minecraft traffic is filtered out. To
get around this, it was necessary for me to modify the batch script used to
start the server, and inject an unfiltered proxy into the Minecraft client, so
that traffic could therefore be passed, and accounts verified.
As our setup is
currently only being used internally, it made the initial setup quite easy,
though we were to have our share of problems, mainly due to the fact that we
were going in blind.
Technical specifications of initial setup:
-Dual Core Windows based VM with 8GB of RAM
-Dual Core Windows based VM with 8GB of RAM
-Running CraftBukkit
as our server
-Running manually through a batch script with several modifiers
-Up to 24 players connecting at one time
-Running several administration based plugins
-Running manually through a batch script with several modifiers
-Up to 24 players connecting at one time
-Running several administration based plugins
.bat file used for launching our servers:
java -Xms4G -Xmx4G
-Dhttp.proxyHost="PROXY" -Dhttp.proxyPort=800
-Dhttps.proxyHost="PROXY" -Dhttps.proxyPort=800 -jar craftbukkit.jar
-o true --nojline